
   更新日期:2017-03-19     来源:建材之家    作者:布艺之家    浏览:26    评论:0    
核心提示:Recommending quality & specifications(1)由于严格挑拣坯料,精选高级染料及专长染整经验,这些织物身骨厚实,整理优良,色泽鲜艳。As a result of rigid selection of grey material and careful choice of high grade dyestuffs,coupled with the expert exp


推荐简介:窗帘定做安装办公室卷帘纱帘百叶窗帘隔热窗帘布艺窗帘电话: ***手机:***(同微信号)或***欢迎装修公司前来洽谈合作http://xuehejie北京康嘉窗帘公司专业制作星级酒店、宾馆、办公室、会议室、写字楼、医院、学校、事业单位、别墅、公寓大厦、公司及娱乐场所布艺窗帘、百叶窗帘、手动卷帘、百褶帘、竹帘、罗马帘、水晶帘 沙发套、椅子套、台裙、椅裙、桌布、台布、口布、床上用......
布艺之家讯:Recommending quality & specifications


As a result of rigid selection of grey material and careful choice of high grade dyestuffs,coupLED with the expert experience in dyeing and finishing, these fabrics all possess sturdy body, fine finish and attractive colours.


Thanks to careful choice of the grey cloths, coupled with the expert skill in the process of bleaching, our bleached fabrics are excellent not only in whiteness, but also in lustre presentation with a good (hand touch) handle.


Our dyed fabrics are available in various widths and piece lengths and are well accepted and highly recommended by consumers in all markets abroad for their colour fastness and quality durability.


Our bleached fabrics are being supplied according to the customers\'requirements in different kinds of finish, viz: soft finish, stiff finish, backfilled finish, calendered, schreinered, mercerized, resin-finish, water-proof and preshrunk. Also available are half-bleached shirtings in long cuts specially prepared to meet the requirements of overseas manufacturers for further process of dying or printing.


By virtue of excellent bleaching and mercerizing, this particular type of bleached fabrics in highly colour-absorbent and free from foreign meter. These characteristics have been well appraised by the manufacturers abroad.


What is particularly worth mentioning about the Chinese Cotton Prints is the speciality of fastness to washing which accounts for its favourable reception in all overseas markets.


Chinese Poplin in supplied in (different) categories of the bleached, printed, dyed, or jacquard, as well as in (different) textures of single yarn, single yarn and thread, or all thread. It is also available in qualities made of medium and fine yarn or the two in mixture.


Exquisitely produced in so many varieties and well finished, our Poplin suits every purpose and taste. It is attractive, and soft to handing.


Our Woollen Piece Goods are supplied in various categories, such as Suiting, Tropical suiting, Valetin, Gabardine, Serge, Worsted Flannel, Venetian, Tricotine, Overcoating, Tweed, Flannel, Ladies\'Dress Cloth, etc.


Our worsted suiting is available in heavy, medium and light weights suitable for making dresses in different fashions for all seasons.


Being one of the main commodities we export, the cotton yarn is supplied not only in carded but also combed, singed (gassed), boiled, mercerized, etc. according to users\'demands and supply possibility.


Our cotton yarn can be supplied, at user\'request, in the sizes of 20s, 24s, 30s, 36s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 80s, and 100s, in single and double ply, S and Z twist, and on cones and in hanks.


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